Sunday, July 27, 2008

brain ache-ing!!!

holy crap.. nvr felt this terrible before. pain like hell! arrrggghhhhh!!! what should i take when almost all those easily-available medications a.k.a. panadol, uphamol, KK and whatsoever.. pathetically not effective at all!!! actifast??? tak jalan also. help me!!! saaaaaaaaaaaaaakitttttttttttt kepalaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa and demannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!!!

- mentos thats kill.. waakkakaka.. -

i need to be fine by tomorrow. heap of works to do! or else i gonna collapse even without trying which nvr an option. pls pls go away you evil headache! haaaaaiiizzzzzz....

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Home Sweet Home

3 months and I’m leaving and worst case, I’m sad. I need to leave for good, for the sake of studies though I wish I need not. KT that I crave so much and home mainly. Arrrrrgggghhhhhh!!! why holiday so short????? Aduhhh… but nvm, nvm. Let me express my feelings. Hehehehe =]

Dear KT…

Where I was born together with beloved twin sis,
Where I lived with much-loved parents and sisters,
Where I went to school,
Where I learned ABC sampai Z and 123….,
Where I met awesome friends,
Where I fell so in love with someone,
Where I had endless fun,
Where I tasted pains and hardship,
Where I strolled along fantastic beaches,
Where I went fishing anytime I want,
Where I found serenity and peace,
Where I hardly caught in congestions,
Where I see trees surrounded with trees,
Where I enjoy the food coz plenty of them,
Where I hangout till late nite,
Where I think everything is GREAT!
Where I wish to stay strong in my mind till my very last breath!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008


gathering on this coming weekend is put on hold and the new date will be announced soon coz yet to be decided. sorry guys bout this prob but hope to see u all soon =] take care!! NOT FFK ok!!! hahahhaa...