Thursday, July 24, 2008

Home Sweet Home

3 months and I’m leaving and worst case, I’m sad. I need to leave for good, for the sake of studies though I wish I need not. KT that I crave so much and home mainly. Arrrrrgggghhhhhh!!! why holiday so short????? Aduhhh… but nvm, nvm. Let me express my feelings. Hehehehe =]

Dear KT…

Where I was born together with beloved twin sis,
Where I lived with much-loved parents and sisters,
Where I went to school,
Where I learned ABC sampai Z and 123….,
Where I met awesome friends,
Where I fell so in love with someone,
Where I had endless fun,
Where I tasted pains and hardship,
Where I strolled along fantastic beaches,
Where I went fishing anytime I want,
Where I found serenity and peace,
Where I hardly caught in congestions,
Where I see trees surrounded with trees,
Where I enjoy the food coz plenty of them,
Where I hangout till late nite,
Where I think everything is GREAT!
Where I wish to stay strong in my mind till my very last breath!