Friday, September 3, 2010

BACKache & HEADache!

8am sharp! gosh, intense pain from my back was seriously an effective uninvited-alarm that woke me up instantly. well, i wondered where all my energy been drained as i decided to stay on the bed and went online eventually. fb as usual.. it turns to be more crucial than breakfast. hahaha.. first thing first! so, fb first =] lol. 

things didnt get much better as i hope so. ended up, was sleeping almost the whole day. mum told me to take medication, i think its more towards supplement, spailen spirulina, something to do with sea weed, one bottle-cap full of it. argh, i still not feeling well, aching here and there. haizz..

ok, gonna get more rest tonite, adios friends! wherever you are, pls do take care! and have fantastic days!
