Monday, November 17, 2008

pearl in the eye!

get it??? hmm.. actually, i have a pimple underneath my delicate eye lip! hahaha.. big ar! and pain! and seriously affected my vision. hmm.. anyway, i just came back from town and i did pretty alot of things today =)

- went 'yum cha' with alvin and thomas at i dunno-what-shop-name

- shopping?? errr.. i did get something for mum =]

- get facial cleanser

- met sister and aunt/uncle/cousins

- new futsal shoe! but kinda too small and damn tight.. so bodoh

- play futsal of course

- then 'yum cha' again with cousin and fren

- then prank calls.. ahahhahaha, sorryyy...

i wanna sleep early today and get up as early possible. stay healthy and more healthy. tired weiii.. i sleep then. goodnite~~~~!!